Mykhailo Mudryk fires back at Chelsea legend Mikel Obi

Mykhailo Mudryk fires back at Chelsea legend Mikel Obi

 On Tuesday, Chelsea legend John Obi Mikel slammed Mykhailo Mudryk for his poor performances since joining Chelsea.

Since signing for a big money fee, Mudryk has struggled to live up to expectations at Chelsea.

Mikel suggested that Mudryk should, “Forget about the whole hair and tattoos… play f**king football and win us games.”

Mikel added: “Mykhailo Mudryk needs to get his f**king head right.”

Not long after Mikel’s statement, Mudryk took a veiled dig at the former Blue via an Instagram post, with the lyrics of the song ‘Oh My Days’ by Smallgod and Haile.

Some of the lyrics read thus:

“They can’t replicate and see what…

“What a shame, they really want to take my place…

“What a shame, they really want to play my game…

“My good vibe is in my veins (oh my days)…”

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