FIFA 21 career mode reveals in latest trailer

EA have revealed a bunch of new features coming to FIFA 21’s career mode in the latest trailer for the game. With more flexibility with match winning, improved training, new transfer options and more, it’s looking like a decent update on one of the series’ main game modes.

FIFA 21 career mode reveals in latest trailer

The Interactive Match Sim allows you to simulate a match in the career, but keep an eye on how things are progressing from a simplistic mini-map. At any time, you can hop in and have the game load up the full 3D engine and start playing, letting you pull off a late game comeback if the sim wasn’t going quite as you’d planned.

As a manager, you’ll have more hands on opportunities to shape the players your in charge of. New position training lets you switch a player’s specialty position to another, while development plans can let you focus a squad’s growth to match an overall style of play. There’s also tweaks for transfers, with Loan to Buy offers and AI managers able to propose player swaps to you.

Getting ready for an individual match, you’ll get to see your squad’s performance levels with the new ‘match sharpness’ attribute. That can be trained up in a new Active Training System, and can help strikers score goals or defenders make those clutch tackles that require them to be at their best.

Meanwhile, you’ll hopefully notice the enhanced opposition AI, geared up to be a bit more intelligent in both defence and attack.

It definitely feels like EA are cribbing from Football Manager’s homework for FIFA 21, but that can only be a good thing for diehard FIFA fans, considering the depth and simulation on offer in Sports Interactives’ series.

FIFA 21 will be out for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 9th, with free upgrades to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X via EA’s homegrown Dual Entitlement scheme. This will allow free upgrades to take place from the launch of the next-gen consoles up until the release of FIFA 22 next year.

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